‘Julija Hartig’s committed and technically impressive renditions are undeniably impressive (Hartig even takes a turn as a vocalist in Isidora Žebeljan’s Oh, Die, My Love). And the cumulative result is an intriguing and thought-provoking musical journey'…
Fanfare Magazine - January 2023
The jury praised her debut album 'Dark Velvet,' which she herself describes as a musical autobiography. The jury report read, "The way Hartig performs the pieces - both solo and together with pianist Reineke Broekhans and cellist Maja Bogdanović - is in each case with a completely unique and personal idiom: from intimate understated to raw and trippy. It underpins the well-thought-out story the pieces tell together." Her father, Tibor Hartig, is also featured as one of the composers on the album.
This album is a moving and compelling result of years of commissions by an enthusiastic musician. Hartig, who said she wanted to capture the searching sound of a composer in Dark Velvet, has at the same time given the search for identity - so current in a world adrift - meaning and expressiveness.

The concert of violinist Julia Hartig and pianist Reineke Brookhans, held at Bemus, was equally colored by intimate and subtle emotions and expressive musical dialogues. The repertoire, partly composed as a tribute to the violinist herself, represented a kind of musical autobiography that Hartigova shaped together with composers from Serbia and the Netherlands, where she lives and works. The special guest of the evening was cellist Maja Bogdanović.
U okviru BEMUS-a biće izvedeni i specijalni programi posvećeni savremenim srpskim kompozitorima (Orkestar Opere i teatra "Madlenianum", dirigent Dejan Savić), izvornoj muzici (selektorka Mirjana Drobac), horskoj duhovnoj muzici (Hor RTS, dirigent Vladimir Gorbik) i autorsko veče nedavno preminulog kompozitora Zorana Erića, nekadašnjeg umetničkog direktora BEMUS-a (Ansambl Metamorfozis, umetničko vođstvo Saša Mirković), a program posvećen delima Isidore Žebeljan će izvoditi violinistkinja Julija Hartig i pijanistkinja Rajneke Brukhans.
Julija Hartig is festivalvioliste van de 7e editie. Zij presenteert naast dit huisconcert de acht topstrijkers van haar Amsterdam based Roctet in De Thomaskerk op donderdag 12 september. Zij sluit het festival af met Reineke Broekhans, de geweldige pianiste waarmee zij de Edison Klassiek 2023 won, en Oorkaan Ensemble in de Vondelkerk op zondag 15 september.
Julija Hartig
is één van de Edison winnaressen van dit jaar.
...Ondanks dat muziek Julija met de paplepel ingegoten is waren er ook twijfels. ‘Er is een tijd geweest dat ik dacht: ik moet een weg vinden om hieruit te stappen want dit was niet mijn keuze. Ik was afgestudeerd aan het conservatorium toen ik achttien was en toen begon ik eigenlijk te twijfelen, maar toen was het al te laat. De band was zo sterk dat er geen weg meer terug was. Maar nu hou ik van vioolspelen, veel meer dan ooit. Voor mij maakt het eigenlijk nu niet uit wat ik speel, want dat is alleen maar eentool in mijn handen. Het meest belangrijke is dat je verhalen vertelt, en dat kan ook met de tandenborstel, het maakt echt niet uit.’ ...
Heartbreaking and moving solo
Second violinist Julija Hartig 'danced' her sometimes difficult opposing voices almost out of her body, sometimes using beautiful, repetitive 'upstrokes' where she felt it was necessary, and rightly so (and where the 'average violinist' would make it easier), and played a truly heartbreaking and poignant solo in the second part. And so each member of the octet deserves its own trumpet, because every part was, without exception, played perfectly by the other musicians, violinists Masha Iakovleva and Filipe Fernandes, violists Francien Schatborn and Frank Brakkee and cellists Eveline Kraayenhof and Anneke Janssen: there a beautiful, clear and polyphonic voice fabric of individual top musicians was created who nevertheless found the perfect unity of an ensemble that knows each other inside and out.
Roctet lanceert een CROWDFUNDINGSCAMPAGNE voor hun gloednieuwe CD ‘Changes’.
Als liefhebbers van klassieke muziek weten jullie als geen ander hoe belangrijk het is om nieuwe en inspirerende muziek te ontdekken, en dat is precies wat wij met onze CD willen bieden.
Klik hier voor alle informatie over ons nieuw CD project.
Heel erg bedankt namens alle musici van Roctet!
Julija Hartig has spent many decades as a violinist in the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, the ROCtet and Ludwig. Only now, in her early fifties, does she make her debut with the solo album Dark Velvet. A late bloomer as Best Newcomer. “It's never too late,” Hartig responded to Van den Enk's comment that this album came right on time. This debut certainly leaves her wanting more.
Edison Violist Julija Hartig bewijst nog maar eens dat je voor je doorbraak geen twintigjarige hoeft te zijn. Op 51-jarige leeftijd wint ze de Edison klassiek voor beste nieuwkomer. „Het leven móét zwaar zijn. Alleen dan is het grenzeloze mogelijk.”
Violist Julija Hartig nam gisteren de Edison Klassiek in ontvangst in de categorie 'beste nieuwkomer'. Best bijzonder, aangezien ze 51 jaar is en al haar hele leven viool speelt. Hoe belangrijk is deze muziekprijs voor haar?
Speciale aflevering van Minicollege in samenwerking met de Edisons!
Componist des Vaderlands Martin Fondse interviewt 5 genomineerden en / of winnaars voor de Edisons Klassiek en Jazz.
Deze aflevering violiste Julija Hartig die met haar album Dark Velvet een Edison won in de categorie Nieuwkomer Klassiek. Het album vertelt het verhaal van Julija's in muziek ondergedompelde jeugd. Hoe ze als peuter zo stil mogelijk onder de vleugel lag terwijl haar vader aan het componeren was, zoekend naar nieuwe harmonieen en melodieen.
Aan Martin vertelt Julija wat het met haar doet om 30 jaar nadat ze voormalig Joegoslavie ontvluchtte (waar ze bekend stond als uitzonderlijk jong talent) hier de erkenning te krijgen als nieuwkomer.
The jury praised her debut album 'Dark Velvet,' which she herself describes as a musical autobiography. The jury report read, "The way Hartig performs the pieces - both solo and together with pianist Reineke Broekhans and cellist Maja Bogdanović - is in each case with a completely unique and personal idiom: from intimate understated to raw and trippy. It underpins the well-thought-out story the pieces tell together."
De violist Julija Hartig wint de Edison Klassiek in de categorie Nieuwkomer Nationaal. Op haar album Dark Velvet speelde ze voor haar geschreven en bewerkte muziek.
Het juryrapport is lovend over de uitvoeringen op de cd…
Dark Velvet by JULIJA HARTIG was nominated for Edison
You have prodigies and late bloomers among the newcomers. The Serbian-Dutch violinist Julja Hartig – in her early fifties – makes a remarkably late, but convincing debut as a soloist with Dark Velvet.
Julija Hartig s a curious violinist with guts" [...] "with her voice and her violin, she sings, plays, cries and admires her father, her idols and her lovers. Moving, sometimes almost painfully personal and always full of passion."
Luister Magazine Jan/Feb 2023
Aktivna kao solista i kamerni muzičar, redovno nastupa na koncertnim scenama u Evropi sa pijanistkinjom Reineke Broekhans i kao član (i jedan od rukovodilaca) gudačkog okteta Roctet. Svira, takođe i u Simfonijskom orkestru Holandskog radija, jedan je od osnivača Splendor, novog kreativnog podijuma u Amsterdamu i jedan od pokretača LUDVIG kolektiva.
Emisiju uređuje i vodi Maja Čolović Vasić.
Šta sve utiče na izbor omiljene muzike jednog umetnika saznaćete u današnjem, 150. izdanju emisije koja svako nedeljno jutro boji klasičnom muzikom. Gost urednik je violinistkinja Julija Hartig, koja će 26. decembra svirati na beogradskom festivalu BUNT. Ona je odrasla i školovala se u Novom Sadu, a od 1994. godine živi u Holandiji. Aktivno nastupa kao solista, ali i kao orkestarski i kamerni muzičar širom Evrope.
Ovoga jutra na njenoj plej-listi su dela Morisa Ravela, Dmitrija Šostakoviča, Johana Sebastijana Baha, Gustava Malera, Veljka Nenadića i Džona Adamsa.
Julija Hartig’s committed and technically impressive renditions (ably partnered by pianist Reineke Broekhans and cellist Maja Bogdanovič) are undeniably impressive (Hartig even takes a turn as a vocalist in Isadora Žebeljan’s Oh, Die, My Love). And the cumulative result is an intriguing and thought-provoking musical journey. The booklet includes extensive and informative program notes, especially helpful given the nature of the repertoire. Recommended to the adventurous.
‘For me, at least, the main highlights belong to Aleksandra Vrebalov’s evocative, soundscape-like Constellation Hartig for violin and prepared piano, and Florian Magnus Maier’s The Music of Erich Zann for solo violin – the latter a visceral 10-minute tour de force that impressively harnesses both compositional and violinistic layers of virtuosity.’
Violinist Julija Hartig navigates between noise and color on her fascinating album ★★★★☆ Volkskrant 21-07-2022
Guido van Oorschot 21 juli 2022
The Serbian violinist Julija Hartig moved from Novi Sad to the Netherlands in 1994. She perfected her playing there and found employment with the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, among others. Now there is a fascinating album, Dark Velvet, with the subtitle 'an autobiography in music'. In ten compositions (including eight record premieres), Hartig sheds light on her Serbian-Dutch character. All the pieces were written or arranged for her.
Een muzikale autobiografie noemt violist Julija Hartig (1972) haar album Dark Velvet. Daarop staan tien stukken die acht componisten in de loop der jaren voor haar schreven. Het begon met vader Tibor, cellist en componist, met wie zij zich als kind kon verliezen in improvisaties. Drie hiervan vereeuwigde haar vader in 1990 op papier. Sindsdien schreven en bewerkten ook anderen stukken voor de violist die uit het verscheurde Joegoslavië begin jaren negentig naar Nederland kwam. Ze speelt in het Radio Filharmonisch Orkest, het ROCtet en Luwdig.
Današna emisija donosi osvrt na koncert dvojice vrsnih džez pijanista - Bojana Zulfikarpašića i Vasila Hadžimanova u okviru serije Garden Sessions u beogradskoj Botaničkoj bašti, izveštaj sa festivala Kotor Art, odnosno Don Brankovih dana muzike, kao i prikaz novog albuma violinstkinje Julije Hartig koji nosi naziv Dark Velvet.
Emisiju uređuje i vodi Maja Čolović Vasić.
Today's programme brings a review of the concert of two excellent jazz pianists - Bojan Zulfikarpašić and Vasil Hadžimanov as part of the Garden Sessions series in the Belgrade Botanical Garden, a report from the Kotor Art festival, i.e. Don Branko's days of music, as well as a presentation of the new album by violinist Julia Hartig, which is called Dark Velvet.
The programme is edited and hosted by Maja Čolović Vasić
The album can be listened to via Deezer, Spotify, Tidal, and Apple Music platforms, but of course, that is not the only fact that makes it serious. The content is what makes the quality, so we could say that this is an exceptional album on which top interpretations of the works of contemporary authors have been realized. Sound creations of new music that promise to last and be listened to for years are few today. Through an exceptional set of melodies, colours, harmonies, conversations and images, listeners will really be able to discover something new on the Dark velvet album every time.
Dive into the darkness with music inspired by the mystery, wonder and stillness that nightfall brings.
This week's guest is composer Aleksandra Vrebalov.
Aleksandra Vrebalov
Constellation Hartig
by Aleksandra Vrebalov
Julija Hartig - violin, Reineke Broekhans - piano
Izabrane kompozicije su sa albuma Dark velvet violinstkinje Julije Hartig i Collage, Part 1 - Ink Edžperiment dua koji čine perkusionisti Nikola Krbanjević i Ivana Kuljarić Bilić. Urednica Maja Čolović Vasić izdvojila je i snimke sa albuma Perpetuum Mobile na kome sviraju gitaristkinja Vera Ogrizović i Ljubiša Jovanović, naš istaknuti flautista, čiji kompakt disk pod nazivom 40 godina takođe preporučujemo za slušanje.
De nieuwe CD 'Dark Velvet' van violiste Julija Hartig kan gezien worden als een autobiografisch verhaal, zo vertelt Julija. 'Het is een reflectie van mijn Joegoslavische en Nederlandse identiteit beschreven in 10 stukken van 8 componisten. Van pure, eerlijke, meest tedere liefde tot onaardse klanken op zoek naar antwoorden. Sommigen spreken over het diepe verdriet van verlies, hartstochtelijke hebzucht naar liefde en leven, brutaal vervormde, ontbonden schoonheid of gewoon pure, wilde, ongetemde vreugde. Naast de selectie van muziek die al gecomponeerd was sinds 1990, werden speciaal voor dit project drie nieuwe werken voor mij geschreven.
It is my great pleasure to announce the official streaming premiere of our brand new short film "The Music of Erich Zann", based on H.P.Lovecraft's short story, tomorrow between 17 and 18h CET on the website of https://dutchcomposersnow.nl/, as part of the first-ever national "Day of the Composer"!
A delicacy for all you Lovecraft fans.
The Music of Erich Zann (2022, 12 minutes)
Music - Florian Magnus Maier
Violin - Julija Hartig
Cinematography - Lindy Balduk
Animations and visual effects - Juan Felipe Waller
Sound and light - Thomas Niehof / Creative Headroom
Created with generous support from Dutch Composers Now.
Thank you Florian Maier for writing this piece for me!!!

Hartig made it clear that the classically played violin holds no secrets for her, while dressed in black with bright purple pumps she also manifested herself as a pop star.