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BLACK RAINBOW - Quo Vadis Homini

Julija Hartig and Akim Moseinkov - a lament of longing to belong for violin, voice and live electronics

Installation: Story in Sound

Duration: 15’

Commissioned by the Nederlandse Vioolconcoursen for the Night of the Violin 2025

"With Black Rainbow, I am not only presenting a personal story of my family but also a powerful reflection on migration and identity - Where are we going and where do we belong? As the voices of generations of my ancestors move into future-like sounds I raise a question of the endless cyclic character of the destiny of humankind.”

Where do we belong?’ - Hybrid Identities

…These mixed identities that form my Ancestral Code - an issue in a form of a question ‘Where do we belong?’, that is deeply rooted and specific to the region covering central Europe and the Balkans motivated me to step out of my comfort zone as a violinist and create a composition together with Akim Moiseenkov. It is a multi-dimensional experience which I prefer to call Story in Sound. Although my primary tool is sound and the tools are derived from the sounds of the violin and the recorded voices (of my great-great great-grandmother, my mother and my voice both acoustic and in use of the sound-effect using a contact microphone on my neck), I think of this work as conceptual art-form. The use of my body is both as a violin player a singer and also as a stage performing presence.

Black Rainbow | Live from TivoliVredenburg - Utrecht

Photo video credits: Zsolt Szederkényi IG/FB @papperpictures  


Black Rainbow Splendor Amsterdam