‘D a r k V e l v e t’ in Splendor

Three world premieres found their sound in Splendor Amsterdam on the 16th of October. Among them is also till now the most exciting composition of Isidora Žebeljan: Oh, Die, My Love..., for violin, female voice and piano.

Calliope Tsoupaki: ‘A Song for Isidora’ for a monophonic instrument 2020 9 (Netherlands premiere)

Rudolf Bruci: Guslarska 1993                                                

Isidora Žebeljan / Veljko Nenadić: Dark velvet for violin and piano, 2006/21 (World premiere)

Maurice Ravel: Sonata No.1 (Posthume) in a minor 1879 

Juan Felipe Waller: De Jaque, Sal, Gala e Luna 1997   

Tibor Hartig: Monolog for solo violin 1993          

Isidora Žebeljan: Oh, Die, My Love..., for violin, female voice and piano 2011 (World premiere)


ROctet at Novi Sad - Cultural Capital of Europe


ROctet in Concertgebouw Amsterdam